Little Feat Taping and Film Policy


Little Feat (including The Paul and Fred Acoustic Duo and all Bill Payne shows) allows AUDIENCE audio taping at almost every live performance.
Soundboard patches will not be allowed.

Taping is a privilege granted by the band to their fans. By respecting the
following guidelines you can help the band extend the privilege of taping
for many years to come.

When Little Feat is performing at a festival or other event featuring
multiple bands, that particular event's policy may override little feat's
customary taping policy. When Little Feat is opening for another artist,
that particular artist’s policy may override Little Feat’s taping policy.
Under certain circumstances we may not allow taping and or duplication of a
specific show due to the potential commercial distribution of that
(View the list of shows that should not to be traded)

All taping is limited to audio only. Little Feat is not in a position to offer AC power to any tapers. Tapers must bring, and are responsible, for all of their own equipment. Home decks and large mixers are not allowed. Please give the working crew/soundman plenty of room and do not set up equipment in a way that would
impair them to do their job properly.

The enjoyment of the audience in attendance at a concert always takes
precedence over recording efforts. This means that at no time should tapers
ever require other patrons to be quiet or otherwise interfere with their
enjoyment of the show.


Still photography is permitted for private, noncommercial use only. Photographs cannot be published, sold, reproduced, transferred, distributed, or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever. NO flash photography..

Video taping of Little Feat performances is not allowed.


The trading and distribution of ALL audience recordings of Little Feat
concerts is allowed.

The trading and distribution of soundboard recordings of Little Feat
concerts prior to 01/01/04 is allowed.

The trading and distribution of soundboard recordings of Little Feat after
01/01/04 is NOT allowed

All participants in audio recording exchange (regardless of format)
acknowledge and respect the copyrights and exclusive ownership of the music
and performances by the performers, writers and publishers.

All taping must be for personal use only, which may include trading (via
analog or digital tape, CD, or digital file transfer).
Recordings may be traded freely on a strictly not-for-profit basis (no money
is to change hands) and may be traded only for an equivalent amount of
similar media.

In addition, the media by which audio trading is publicized may not be
commercialized. Therefore no commercial gain may be sought by websites
offering digital files of our music, whether through advertising, offer
links for compensation, exploiting databases compiled from their traffic, or
by any other means.

If we have chosen to offer for sale a particular Little Feat performance,
this "official" version will take precedence over other soundboard
recordings and said recordings should no longer be traded, or made available
by websites, servers, or other means. In no case may any officially-released
Little Feat recording (live or studio) be duplicated or otherwise traded or

Taping at Little Feat concerts is authorized for non-commercial purposes
only. Unauthorized sale, duplication and/or distribution is strictly
forbidden. All Little Feat performances and recordings are the exclusive
property of Little Feat. We reserve the right to withdraw our sanction of
recording, tape trading, and/or non-commercial digital audio file transfers
on a case specific basis or in general, as we deem necessary.
If you are aware of any person or site in violation of this policy, please
Chris Cafiero.

Lastly, please support the artists you tape and trade by purchasing the
merchandise that keeps them on the road(CD’s, T-shirts etc.).

Purchase downloadable Little Feat shows.
Visit the Little Feat online store.

Thanks for taping and trading, but most importantly, have a good time at the

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All band member photos © Randall Photography
Last updated:10/20/2013 16:22:13 -0400
 ©2001-2012 All rights reserved.
Credits: Dynamic Drive DHTML/ CSS Library
The Featbase is brought to you by:
Chris Cafiero - Little Feat Tape Archivist and Researcher.
Steve Keiss - Webmaster and keeper of the 'base.